DANCE LEARN CONNECT 2023 Introducing Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci., PhD. Candidate) Key Note Speaker at Dance Learn Connect 2023. Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters and will be joining us on 19 March 2023 to ‘explore your potential and...
MEMBERSHIPS We hope you have had a fun and relaxing time over the Christmas / New Year break and have bounced into the studio in 2023 full of energy and enthusiasm for the year ahead. ATOD is ready, willing and able to continue supporting you and your...
State and National Championships
STATE AND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Earlier in January we sent out information about the new guidelines for the State and National Championships for 2023. Many of you have contacted us asking about the dates and venue for the National Championships which we are...
Systems of Training
SYSTEMS OF TRAINING Teaching Resources Do you have new teachers this year that need to learn the ATOD Systems of Training? Are you implementing a new genre into your timetable this year? Don’t forget ATOD has all the teaching resources you will...
Registered Training Organisation
REGISTERED TRAINING ORGANISATION Do you have students in your studio that are eager to become dance teachers? In case you were not aware, ATOD is also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO31624) that offers Nationally Accredited Training qualifications...
EXAMINATIONS Our new look link is live and exam date requests are now open, ensure your request is in before the 1st March 2023. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. E: P: 1800 106 227 SUBMIT NOW...
Acrobatic Arts
ACRO ARTS Did you know? ATOD is partnered with Acrobatic Arts and our studios can enter their Pin Program on scheduled examination days. Simply add this to your Exam Request for 2023. Acrobatic Arts will provide all training, curriculum and...
ATOD International Dance Awards 2023
ATOD International Dance Awards 2023 We’re back live in 2023! And we are so excited to see all our Australian and International community together again in Brisbane, July 1 – 5. Registrations for the ATOD International Dance Awards 2023 are now...