Affiliate Teacher - $180.00

An applicant for Affiliate Teacher Status is not a member by examination ie. one who has not passed the required ATOD technical and Associate Teaching Diploma examinations. The applicant must submit a letter of application with a resume and a letter of recommendation from a person in the dance profession, to the Board of Directors of ATOD Ltd. The Company Secretary will then inform the candidate if their application has been successful, where upon the applicant should then pay the full membership fee.


What do Affiliate Teachers receive for their membership?

  • Membership Card
  • Certificate confirming Financial Membership
  • The ability to enter students for examinations, competitions and scholarships at all levels
  • The ability to attend State meetings, vote at State level, hold office at State level and participate as a member on sub committees
  • Quarterly Newsletter
  • 20% discount to all ticketed events on display of membership card not transferrable
  • A comprehensive ATOD Teachers manual